Journey of Life

Monday, April 21, 2014

Healthy Food

Having a healthy body is also proportional between weight and height is the desire of almost everyone. Sometimes a person easy to weight gain but for some other very difficult at all and it took great effort to gain weight. This time about the health info and tips how to gain weight in a healthy way. Hopefully the weight gain tips helpful for you who are relatively thin and want to gain weight and your body.

As well as going to lose weight, for some people the problem how to gain weight as well be something that is difficult and a struggle. Although there are many supplements on the market that help increase daily caloric intake, but it has not been proven to be safe and beneficial.

Therefore, the necessary intelligence in determining diet and lifestyle to be healthier in the long term. Here is a smart and safe way to increase your weight is ideal to forms:

Healthy Food

1. Choose dairy products, eggs, fish, meat and vegetables. Eating foods with high protein content such as beans and foods with high starch content such as potatoes, rice and tapioca.
2. Eating snacks more often. Consuming high-calorie snacks (not junk food) such as cheese sticks, milk shakes, muffins, dried fruits and yogurt. Also, eating larger portions and eat at least five times a day.
3. Drink plenty of fluids that supply nutrients and calories as milk or fresh fruit juice.
4. You need to practice hard and intensely to gain muscle mass. Focus on weight training (without tools) to target the largest group of muscles. If you have a high metabolic rate - which means you expend a lot of energy even at rest. You need to exercise intensely but not long-term short.
5. Consistent. Probably needed a long time, usually several months, to get the ideal body weight. Some women will generally be frustrated and quit when it did not see any changes. It must be remembered, weight gain program will not succeed if you do not regularly run.

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